The immediate goal of Fellowship Academy is to provide a quality, cost effective, college-preparatory education accomplished in a way that gives parents time for imparting the faith and values they hold precious. The ultimate goal is to produce competent men and women of character who make a positive difference for Christ in the next generation.
Every Student Matters,
Every Moment Counts
Open Enrollment
Accepting Applications - Feb. 1st - May 1st
Late Enrollment May 1st-June 15th
For more information, please visit our Application Center

Academics Matter
Small Classes
Class size is capped at 8 students per elementary class and 12 students per class in middle and high school.
Great Teachers
All our core classroom teachers have a teaching certificate. They plan lessons for the classroom and for the home days.
Biblical Education
Our students learn about the love of Jesus and how to share that with the world.
Community Counts
Time with Family
Fellowship Academy Family events invite the entire family to spend time together and build bonds of friendship.
​Parent Involvement
Parents work with their students 1 day per week at home with their lessons.
Our students love getting together on school days to see their friends.​

Who We Are
Late Enrollment
Grades with Space:
6th - 10th Grades
Fellowship Academy will offer full course load for Kindergarten - 9th grade and select courses for 10th- 11th grades for the '24-'25 school year.